
26 July 2021
The treatment of brothers and sisters by Barnevernet (Norwegian CPS)
Introduction to three articles

Children are hurt and harmed by being separated not only from their parents but from their siblings. The three articles below tell of the pain of such deprivation.


Tonje Omdahl is 19 years old. She started writing a blog when she was in care and in spite of pressure from Barnevernet did not stop writing about her experiences. Since she came of age, she has been very active both writing critically about Barnevernet, taking part in events to have the state of affairs better known, and establishing contact with other like-minded individuals who are or have been in care. Here she writes about her close relationship to her brothers.

Kristine Bolstad is the oldest of four siblings in the Bolstad family, one of three families in Samnanger subjected to Barnevernet's actions for whom a proper investigation was carried out and a realistic report written, leading up to some redress for the families who had been separated and harmed by Barnevernet. Kristine was almost 17 years of age when Barnevernet took her three younger siblings, a heart-rending experience. She is now in her twenties and is a mother herself.

The law firm
Advokatfirma Skretting is based in Stavanger. The senior lawyer, Arnhild Skretting, is active politically to bring about a change in legislation and practice regarding child protection, and the lawyers in the firm have for many years been strongly engaged for families attacked by Barnevernet. In this article they give us an elder brother's story of how Barnevernet restricts his communication with his younger sister, who is in care.

Marianne Haslev Skånland


Tonje Omdahl:
When the CPS separates siblings as well, they make you lose part of yourself
MHS's home page, 26 July 2021

Kristine Bolstad:
The CPS took everything I had – and smashed it
MHS's home page, 26 July 2021

The Skretting law firm:
Brothers and sisters of children in care
MHS's home page, 26 July 2021
